Delivering customer outcomes

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Our Impact Report, published for the first time this year, sets out the impact of the British Business Bank’s activity on smaller businesses across the UK’s Nations and regions.

Download the report (.pdf, 1.73kb) Impact report 2024 - opens in new window

Putting the customer at the heart of everything we do

Our mission...

Our mission is to drive sustainable growth and prosperity across the UK, and to enable the transition to a net zero economy, by improving access to finance for smaller businesses. 

...informs our objectives

Driving sustainable growth

Unlocking potential

Backing innovation

Building the modern, green economy

Stemming from those objectives, our actions...

Invest in or provide funding or guarantees to debt providers

Supports access to finance across all geographies, and regardless of background

Invest in or alongside equity providers

Provide expertise and information, coordinate with other parts of Government

...through our programmes...

  • British Business Investments 
  • ENABLE Build 
  • ENABLE Funding 
  • ENABLE Guarantee 
  • Recovery Loan Scheme
  • Start Up Loans programme
  • Nations and Regions Investment Funds - equity
  • Nations and Regions Investment Funds - debt
  • Regional Angels Programme
  • British Patient Capital
  • Enterprise Capital Funds
  • Future Fund:Breakthrough
  • Life Sciences Investment Programme

All our finance programmes are available to finance green activity, supported by events and business guides meet our customers' needs...

Invest in or provide funding or guarantees to debt providers

Supports access to finance across all geographies, and regardless of background

Invest in or alongside equity providers

Provide expertise and information, coordinate with other parts of Government

...leading to better customer outcomes

Knowedge to help with the transition to net zero

Capital for high growth

Working capital to thrive

Greater knowledge and expertise to succeed

More high-quality jobs created

Increased productivity

Greater investment in R&D

Having the loan has allowed me to take on a much bigger job than I would have been able to do otherwise. The opportunity came my way and I was able to say yes because I had everything in place - Tom Weston Construction Manager, Energy Build Southwest (Start up loan)