Report and publications
Our Impact Report, published for the first time this year, sets out the impact of the British Business Bank’s activity on smaller businesses across the UK’s Nations and regions.
It looks at how the Bank’s activity in 2023 directly supports the country’s economy, what outputs and outcomes are generated, and what impact we can expect from our activities over the longer term.
These impacts are presented in line with our four strategic objectives:
- Driving sustainable growth
- Backing innovation
- Unlocking potential
- Building the modern, green economy
Key findings include
- £3.5bn of public funding deployed into UK smaller businesses in 2023
- An additional £2.5bn of private sector capital leveraged alongside our own funding
- 23,100 UK smaller businesses funded
- 84% of businesses supported outside London, with £2.9bn of finance
Expected long-term impacts over the life of the finance
- £19.8bn of additional business turnover
- Equivalent to an extra £8.4bn of Gross Value Added (GVA)
- Creation of 39,400 jobs

Read our Impact Report 2024
Read the full impact report, published for the first time this year or download it in an accessible PDF format.