Equity finance
Learn how we work with our partners to fund a variety of equity finance programmes
Learn about our equity finance programmes
We work with a large number of finance partners to fund equity finance programmes designed to support growing UK businesses across a wide range of sectors, regions, and stages of growth.
British Business Bank Programmes
Learn more about the equity finance programmes we administer.
British Growth Partnership
The British Growth Partnership, subject to regulatory approval, will encourage more UK pension fund investment into the UK’s fastest growing, most innovative companies.
The Enterprise Capital Funds programme
Enterprise Capital Funds combine private and public money to make equity investments in high growth businesses. Learn more about ECF.
Long-term Investment for Technology and Science (LIFTS)
The Long-term Investment for Technology and Science (LIFTS) initiative seeks proposals from industry for the establishment of new funds or investment structures to crowd in UK institutional investment, particularly Defined Contribution (DC) pension funds, to support the growth and ambitions of the UK’s most innovative science and technology companies.
National Security Strategic Investment Fund
Learn more about the National Security Strategic Investment Fund and our purpose.
Regional Angels Programme
Our Regional Angels Programme invests alongside angel investors into smaller businesses across the UK to help close the regional equity gap.
Managed Funds Programme
Our Managed Funds Programme seeks to draw in institutional capital to the UK’s venture and growth capital markets.
Future Fund: Breakthrough
Future Fund: Breakthrough is a £425m UK-wide programme which encourages private investors to co-invest in growth stage, Research & Development (R&D) UK companies operating in breakthrough technology sectors.
Life Sciences Investment Programme
The Life Sciences Investment Programme (LSIP) is a £200m initiative which makes cornerstone commitments to later stage life sciences venture growth funds with a strong UK focus.
Patient Capital Funds
Through our core £2.5bn programme we invest in venture and venture growth capital funds, and co-invest alongside those funds in the most promising later-stage UK businesses within our portfolio.
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