Regional analysis of Coronavirus loan schemes shows continued even distribution across the UK

Press release 15 October 2020

  • Data shows the distribution of loans offered tracks the business population of each region
  • Wholesale & Retail sector shows highest usage relative to size of sector for both CBILS and BBLS

New data published today reveals that the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) and the Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) facilities are continuing to be accessed evenly across the UK.

Both schemes provide financial support to businesses across the UK that are losing revenue and seeing their cashflow disrupted, as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak.

Regional data

The second set of regional and sector lending data, released by the British Business Bank today, shows a continuing pattern with the proportion of the schemes’ loans in each of the nine English regions and three Devolved Nations matching closely their respective share of the UK business population.

The British Business Bank is committed to identifying and helping reduce regional imbalances in access to finance for smaller businesses across the UK. It’s therefore encouraging that the data shows a continued benefit to well over a million smaller businesses spread across the whole country, helping them with much-needed emergency finance so they are better placed to survive, stabilise and prepare for future growth. Patrick Magee Chief Commercial Officer, British Business Bank

CBILS by region

Region Value of Loans Offered (£m) Number of Loans Offered Proportion of Offered Facilities Proportion of UK Business Population
East Midlands 1,013 4,124 7% 6%
East of England 1,348 5,796 10% 10%
London 2,809 9,892 18% 19%
North East 344 1,520 3% 3%
North West 1,501 5,846 10% 10%
Northern Ireland 333 1,091 2% 2%
Scotland 759 3,300 6% 6%
South East 2,155 9,026 16% 16%
South West 1,169 5,120 9% 10%
Wales 374 1,691 3% 4%
West Midlands 1,119 4,722 8% 8%
Yorkshire and The Humber 964 4,232 8% 7%
Region not specified 41 131 0% 0%

BBLS by region

Region Value of Loans Offered (£m) Number of Loans Offered Proportion of Offered Facilities Proportion of UK Business Population
East Midlands 2,373 81,354 6% 6%
East of England 3,685 121,848 10% 10%
London 8,652 259,655 20% 19%
North East 1,107 39,991 3% 3%
North West 3,980 135,124 11% 10%
Northern Ireland 1,039 33,645 3% 2%
Scotland 2,188 76,011 6% 6%
South East 5,270 175,946 14% 16%
South West 2,881 102,569 8% 10%
Wales 1,347 48,893 4% 4%
West Midlands 3,117 102,322 8% 8%
Yorkshire and The Humber 2,637 89,851 7% 7%
Region not specified 55 1,772 0% 0%

Sector data

The Wholesale and Retail sector has accessed a significantly higher proportion of CBILS loans (18%) than its share of the business population (9.3%), with Manufacturing (13% v 4.7%) and Accommodation and Food Services (8% v 3.4%) following a similar pattern.

The Wholesale and Retail sector also accessed a relatively high proportion of Bounce Back Loans compared to its business population share (16% v 9%), as did businesses in Accommodation and Food Services (8% v 3.4%) and Real Estate Services (6% v 1.9%).

CBILS by sector

Sector Value of Loans Offered (£m) Number of Loans Offered Proportion of Offered Facilities Proportion of UK Business Population
Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles 2,612 10,270 18% 9.3%
Manufacturing 2,047 7,376 13% 4.7%
Construction 1,785 7,815 14% 17.7%
Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities 1,444 6,009 11% 14.8%
Administrative and Support Service Activities 1,376 6,017 11% 8.7%
Accommodation and Food Service Activities 1,212 4,494 8% 3.4%
Information and Communication 615 2,608 5% 6.3%
Transportation and Storage 500 2,264 4% 6.1%
Human Health and Social Work Activities 453 2,496 4% 6.1%
Arts, Entertainment and Recreation 419 1,558 3% 4.9%
Real Estate Activities 342 1,244 2% 1.9%
Financial and Insurance Activities 323 737 1% 1.5%
Education 273 827 1% 5.2%
Other Service Activities 232 1,570 3% 5.8%
Mining and Quarrying; Electricity, Gas and Air Conditioning Supply; Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities 196 709 1% 0.6%
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 85 464 1% 2.7%
Sector not specified 13 33 0% 0.0%

BBLS by sector

Sector Value of Loans Offered (£m) Number of Loans Offered Proportion of Offered Facilities Proportion of UK Business Population
Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles 6,946 196,740 16% 9.3%
Construction 6,148 210,482 17% 17.7%
Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities 3,920 139,996 11% 14.8%
Accommodation and Food Service Activities 3,598 102,464 8% 3.4%
Real Estate Activities 2,717 76,955 6% 1.9%
Administrative and Support Service Activities 2,639 90,922 7% 8.7%
Manufacturing 2,340 74,223 6% 4.7%
Transportation and Storage 1,767 67,162 5% 6.1%
Other Service Activities 1,731 82,192 6% 5.8%
Information and Communication 1,695 57,689 5% 6.3%
Human Health and Social Work Activities 1,537 52,455 4% 6.1%
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1,148 35,470 3% 2.7%
Arts, Entertainment and Recreation 811 32,566 3% 4.9%
Education 635 27,593 2% 5.2%
Financial and Insurance Activities 348 10,482 1% 1.5%
Mining and Quarrying; Electricity, Gas and Air Conditioning Supply; Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities 303 9518 1% 0.6%
Unknown 49 2,072 0% 0.0%


Download full breakdown by parliamentary constituency

All data to end of 4 October 2020.